One Chance Fund
Sponsor Quinter Akoth
Quinter needs your support and prayers to continue her high school education and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.
Basic Info :
Age : 17 years
Gender : Female
Grade : Alumni - High School at Olympics High School
Career : Architect
Role Model : My Grandmother
Living with : Father
Sponsoring Quinter paves a way for her to rise above her impoverished background to a hopeful future. Your sponsorship today will bring her dream of becoming an architect to reality.
Your subscription will automatically be cancelled after Quinter's school graduation in Dec 2023. You can cancel the subscription anytime
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Hi, my name is Quinter Akoth, a secondary school student at Olympics High School, Nairobi. I am currently in Alumni - High School with a goal to join the university and become a an architect. Here are some fun and interesting facts about me.
Name : Quinter Akoth , Female
Age : 17
Location : Kibra, Kenya.
Born No : 2 / 2 Siblings
Role Model : My Grandmother
Marital Status of Parents : Married
Father Alive : Yes
Mother Alive : Yes
Living with : Father
Siblings in School : 1 in Primary School, in High School, In University/College
Grade : Alumni - High School
Performance : Average
Favorite Subject : Physics
Co-curricular Activities :Playing baseball
Career : an architect
Quinter lives in Kibera with her family.
KIBERA is the biggest slum in Africa and one of the biggest in the world. It is situated on the outskirts of Nairobi with an estimated population of approx. 250,000 people, suffering from inadequate housing, overcrowding, poor or non-existent sanitation, and grinding poverty.
The settlement is overcrowded and underserviced. Most families living here are packed into windowless one-room 12ft x 12ft shacks, with mud walls, a corrugated tin roof and a dirt or concrete floor, accommodating up to eight people or more with many sleeping on the floor. Many also tend to share the same toilet with as many as 150 other people. To survive, the majority of households rely on casual labour, such as washing clothes, to pay for rent, food and other essentials, with many already living in extreme poverty.
As such, life in Kibera is hard.
KENYA is one of the more well known countries in Africa. The East African country is known for being the world's best safari destination, with 50 epic national parks and reserves that are home to diverse wildlife, including the Big Five – lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and buffalo.
Kenya is a lower-middle income economy. Although Kenya's economy is the largest and most developed in eastern and central Africa, approx. 35% of its population lives below the international poverty line. This means basically that more than one-third of the entire country is living on less than the U.S. $1.90 per day. Much of Kenya is rural land, which contributes to high rates of the population living in poverty.
This severe poverty is mainly caused by economic inequality, government corruption and health problems.

We connect needy and vulnerable children with a compassionate person like you.
Our objective is to break the poverty cycle by increasing the number of children accessing quality education. We need your support to help them achieve their dream.