John Kibe 27 years,Is Procurement and logistics officer at East African Cables.John has a lot of experience in facilitating training workshops and strategic planning sessions and providing quality assurance for programme components. He attained a Bachelor's degree In Economics and Statistics and Certifications in accounting.
A son to a single mother and from a humble background John attended local primary school in the Central region in Kenya and then proceeded to an informal Education center at By grace orphans center community based Children home in Nairobi and then got a scholarship to pursue his degree at Kenyatta university.
Over the last decade John has been involved in community service initiatives and also worked in other Programmes such as as the country Operations manager, country operational advisor.
From a young age John has been a firm believer in Love and kindness as the true principles by which to live and help him serve the less privileged.
As co founder John serves as the secretary to the board and the operations Head.
His contribution is immense in ensuring timely delivery of services as well as implementation of the organization's projects. John has an unmatched flair in people skills and networking therefore making him such an important resource to One Chance.