Charles Gatere is 32 years old. He was born and raised by a single mother in one of rural villages in Kenya around the slopes of Mt. Kenya, Nyeri county. He attended his primary school in Nyeri before proceeding to Nairobi City( Capital of Kenya)for his secondary education. It was not possible for his mother to school him therefore ending up in a children's home.
He completed his secondary education and passed with flying colors which earned him a scholarship opportunity at the University of Nairobi where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics.He is now a banker with one of the local banks in Kenya for the last five years.
He is tasked with the treasury work of the Organization by maintaining clear records of all funds and expenditures as well as ensuring prudent management of Organizations assets and finances.
His involvement in the organization as a co-founder has been inspired by his personal life experience of abject poverty coupled with limited life opportunities that was a clear threat to his education and success.
Charles has unmatched passion in charity work with his attribution to his life’s success to charitable people that made his education a success. He believes he owes the community and the world at large in making it a better place.
His strong foundation in Christian faith has inculcated in him vital moral values that are key to holding an NGO together.Such among them, faithfulness, truthfulness and sincerity.
Charles looks forward to seeing tremendous success and progress of this organization even in years to come. His connection with children is amazing as he also volunteers to provide mentorship and guidance to the organization's beneficiaries in Kibera slum.
Charles has taken part in minor projects to help children in schools like, participating in starting a PC For a Kid initiative - Successfully fundraised resources to setup a modern 20 PC computer lab and resource center at By Grace Disabled and Orphans Center, Nairobi.